
Soil Parameters For Design Of Retaining Walls, Footings And Piles

To design retaining walls, footings, pipelines, and piles information including soil parameters is required.  Soil parameters include however may not be limited to allowable bearing capacity, friction, density, and cohesion.  In some cases, it is advantageous to undertake field and/or laboratory testing to assist in determining soil parameters.  For example field testing can provide empirical values for Bearing Capacity of cohesive soils based on the standard penetration number (Or Standard Penetration Test – SPT) or Cone Penetration Test – CPT.

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    Thank you for getting back to us so quickly, we really appreciate it. We are really excited to utilise option 5 as the location of our AGs are now shallower within our pavement and hopefully we will encounter no/minimal clashes with existing shallow services. Thank you again and we look forward to working with the team in the future.
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